Global Partners
Aldersgate’s Global Partners are helping us reach our vision to make Christ known locally and globally.

Mike and Vickie Reynen have significant connections to Aldersgate. Vickie worked with several Aldersgaters at the Free Methodist World Ministries Center before relocating to Africa, and their daughter Kelly previously served as our worship leader and office administrator.
Mike and Vickie served as missionaries in Japan and Africa, and currently, Mike is the Area Director for Free Methodist work in Africa. His primary responsibilities include leadership development, theological training, and strategizing church planting initiatives. Vickie assists with administration and training. The Reynen’s have three adult children, Kelly, Kenzie, & Kyle.

Bryan and Tammy are missionaries-in-residence, posted at a Free Methodist Church in Michigan. Bryan and Tammy serve as critical members of the Free Methodist World Missions leadership development team, working to mobilize 10,000 leaders through the Gethsemane Leadership Training pathway. Through the internet and regular visits to Asia, the Williams offer inspiring and encouraging support to national leaders across Asia.

Dale serves as the Free Methodist Area Director for the Middle East region. In this capacity, he is also the Executive Director of Impact Middle East. Dale helps empower national leaders to proclaim the grace and truth of Jesus and plant reproducing house churches among the under-served. Dawn, his wife, is actively involved in this ministry as well. Dale and Dawn have three adult children.
Aldersgate’s Global Partners are funded outside of the church budget through contributions designated as “missions” or “missionary support.” Our 2022 goal is $20,000.