Zoom Sunday School (9 – 10 AM)
Check the weekly newsletter to download the lesson as well as get the Zoom link.

Wednesdays at 7 pm we host a prayer gathering indoors or via Zoom. Prayer provides the opportunity to turn our hearts to God, and bring the needs of our community and world before God in pray. The Zoom link is in the church newsletter.

Small Groups and Bible Studies:
A variety of groups meet throughout the week including a Women’s Bible Study, Young Adults Group, Men’s Group and Zoom Sunday School.

Monday Morning Work Crew
The Work Crew meet Mondays from 9 – 1 pm to tackle the maintenance needs of the church building and property. Work concludes with a celebratory lunch at Denny’s.

Care Group at Aldersgate
Various Care Groups meet throughout the month each providing prayer and encouragement to those who need cheerful word.

Groups are open to everyone.
If you have questions or would like to get involved please contact the church office at
(317) 898-6456 or email at